Takahashi TOA130S

Takahashi TOA130 is the newest line of refractor in Takahashi's telescope. It features a newly designed triplet objective. This new design is absolutely color free. TOA130 is not only an outstanding optical instrument, but it can be used to make outstanding images with a CCD or DSLR camera.

I have been using TOA130s for four years. I bought it in Japanese Astronomical shop for about five hundred thousand Yens in 2005.

Takahashi TOA130S

Takahashi announced TOA130S in 2003

Takahashi announced that they released the telescope in 2003. In 2003, Mars made its closeset approac to Earth in nearly 55,000,000km. I was interested in the telescope for looking through the planet.

Takahashi had a floulite series telescope, FS152 FS128. They replaced FS128 with TOA130. Befor I bought TOA130s, I had owned FS128. In 2004, I decided to buy TOA130s. When I got TOA130S, I was suprise at the size of the telescope. It was larger than my FS128. And heavier too.

TOA130 is beautiful telescope to use. I enjoy to look through planet and Moon in my backyard. It gives me extremely pin point star images and good contrast. It is fantastic view.

My favorite picture taken with this scope is Andromeda Galaxy an d Horsehead Nebula.

TOA130s Specifications

The TOA130 has a focal length of 1000mm. It's an Air Spaced Trplet with a focal ratio of F/7.7. The diameter of the main tube is 156mm. The deameter of the dew shield is 179mm. The TOA uses a newly lens design that uses three air-spaced lenses in three groups. A lens of ED glass is used. All lens sufaces are fully multicoated for maximum light transmission.

My TOA130 is a 2.7 inch focuser model. I don't have any issues to take image with my STL camera. Picture below is flat frame image which was taken with an STL11000M camera and my TOA130S using TOA reducer.

flat Frame on my TOA130s

Specifications for the Takahashi TOA130s

Product Name Takahashi TOA-130s
Effective aperture 130mm diameter
Forcal length 1000mm
forcal ration 1:7.7
Image circle 54mm diameter
Diameter of Main tube 155mm
Length 812mm
Weight 10kgs