Astrophotography by T.Yoshida > CCD Astrophotography > Comet Holmes over California Nebula

Comet Holmes over California Nebula

Comet Holmes over California Nebula

Comet Holmes lies at the top edge of California Nebula, also known as the NGC1499. The nebula is actually about one-hundred light-years long and one-thousand five-hundred light-years away. It is one of the most largest nebula in night sky.

Imaging information

Optics: Takahashi Epsilon180

Mount: Takahashi NJP Mount

Camera: SBIG STL-11000M, Astronomik LRGB filters

Exposure: Luminace=80minutes(10minx8frames), RGB=each20minutes(10minx2frames)

Software: Stellaimage5, PhotoshopCS

Location: Bizen city, Okayama Prefecture, 7 March ,2008